Windows 10 X64 Pro VL incl Office 2019 fr-FR JUNE 2020 {Gen2} Download

43 Seeds 23 Peers

Windows 10 X64 Pro VL incl Office 2019 fr-FR JUNE 2020 {Gen2}

Windows 10 X64 Pro VL incl Office 2019 fr-FR JUNE 2020 {Gen2} Download

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* Windows 10 X64 Pro VL with Office 2019 ProPlus fr-FR JUNE 2020

2004 Edition Built

* Failure:

* Size: 4.83GB

* Format: ISO removable

* CRC32: 1bc9d559

* MD5: 58af72df897bc5563d6b499614f2a295

* SHA-1: 174f406123325ad8ebef2e8b977f4221aae8ae33

Pre-connected / installed:

* Office 2019 ProPlus VL

* Stack Update:

* KB4560366

* Extra amount:

* KB4557957

* Clean system

* Total updates

* NET system and:

* KB4552925

* Flash Player Security Update:

* KB4561600

Install Finish / Post Post:

* Defender Update


* Windows 10 Pro

* Office 2019 ProPlus

Operators: KWIDI and KMS online

* UEFI available

* (Use a device connected to Rufus USB to enable it for UEFI use)

* Recognition and Recovery Equipment (Microsoft DaRT)

* Emphasized on recovery pattern ()

* Make bootable USB (highly recommended) and Rufus,

* (enclosed) or burn to DVD-DL at low speed.

* WindowsAddict, Windows Document Review Author

* I hope you enjoy this post!


* Generation2

* Windows 10 Pro X64 19H2 pt-BR NOV 2019

* 1909 Edition Built

* Office 2019 ProPlus included

* Failure:

* Size: 4.88GB

* Format: ISO removable

* CRC32: e029a6e1

* MD5: 61a26de42db11147f481c3240c56e166

* SHA-1: 684ca1c8b635619f5a4776aa54d2b1319284474a


Pre-connected / installed:

CLEAN system

* Office 2019 ProPlus VL 64bit

* Stack Update:

* KB4524569

* Extra amount:

* KB4524570

* Total updates

NET system and:

* KB4522741

* Flash Player Security Update:

* KB4516115

Install Finish / Post Post:

* Defender Update


* Windows 10 Pro

* Office 2019 Pro Plus VL

Operators: KWIDI and KMS online

* UEFI available

* (Use a device connected to Rufus USB to enable it for UEFI use)

* Recognition and Recovery Equipment (Microsoft DaRT)

* Emphasized on recovery pattern ()

* Make bootable USB (highly recommended) and Rufus,

* (enclosed) or burn to DVD-DL at low speed.

* WindowsAddict, Windows Certificate Authenticator

* I hope you enjoy this post!


* Generation2

Votes 49 2
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windows 10 upgrade tool (build v24074) indir

35 Seeds 34 Peers

windows 10 upgrade tool (build v24074)

windows 10 upgrade tool (build v24074) indir

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Bu dosya, Windows 10’u bilgisayarınıza indirip yüklemenizi sağlayan bir Microsoft programıdır.


aktivasyon gerekli değildir, anahtar kilidi, çatlak kurulum talimatlarını izleyin!

nasıl çalışır:

Bu program, Windows 10’u doğrudan Microsoft Sunucusundan indirir, bilgisayarınıza Windows 10’u yükler ve ardından bunu dijital bir lisansla etkinleştirir. Kurulumdan sonra bilgisayarınızdaki donanımı değiştirmeyi planlıyorsanız, bilgisayarınıza bir Microsoft hesabı eklemek iyi bir fikirdir.


Bu geçerli bir Windows yükleyici olduğundan, tek bir Microsoft hesabıyla cihaz başına birden fazla ücretsiz kopya alamazsınız. Ancak, cihazlarınızın her biri için farklı bir Microsoft hesabı kullanarak kesebilirsiniz.

Tohumlar lütfen!

Votes 20 1
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Adobe Premiere Pro Download

10 Seeds 20 Peers

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro Download

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Good torrent

Real-time editing for professional video production Adobe is recognized around the world for its impressive software, many of which have become true industry standards in many areas and Adobe Premiere Pro is one of its flagship products. Along with Final Cut Pro, Premiere is one of the best video editing packages out there. Note that Adobe Premiere is now part of the Creative Cloud (CC), which means that it is only available on a monthly subscription, rather than a single license.

Very professional video series

Adobe Premiere offers professional video creators and producers all the tools they need for their daily work. This new version maintains an interface structure similar to the previous one, minimizing the learning curve while offering a redesigned timeline, better media handling, various search options, workflow for various projects and simplified colors (function ( ) {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);});

Creative Cloud integration is a big change. In addition to ensuring that you get new features as they become available, they also offer other benefits, such as access to Adobe’s sharing service, a gallery of royalty-free assets.

Synchronize your projects on any computer

Collaborating on projects has never been easier with the sync settings that support your settings, your desktop (which can now be customized for specific tasks) and even keyboard shortcuts organized across multiple computers. Creative Cloud also integrates with Behance, so you can share your project and get instant feedback from other designers and editors around the world.

Creative Cloud not only allows synchronization between computers, but now it is also possible to use other devices with the Premiere Clip mobile app. With it, you can make movies on your phone or tablet and instantly sync them to your project’s timeline.

Flexible format, Blu-Ray, support for Final Cut, etc.

Adobe Premiere Pro is now fully compatible with other Adobe tools, including the SWF format and even Final Cut Pro files. This is thanks to the Adobe Mercury Playback Engine, which means that you can work natively with very large and growing video formats compared to most video publishers. Among the many other powerful features of Adobe Premiere is the ability to export to Blu-Ray format and even to tapeless video cameras. Recently, Adobe also added live text, masking and tracking templates, master clip effects and a faster editing workflow.

Complex for beginners, but very helpful

Design professionals familiar with other Adobe products will find Adobe Premiere Pro intuitive and familiar to use. However, beginners may feel overwhelmed by the complexity of the program, although Adobe has very detailed documentation and many video tutorials on how to understand the basic features.

Continuous improvements since launch have made Adobe Premiere Pro easy to use to continue to develop. This includes Morph Cut, which uses facial recognition technology to seamlessly merge parts of the speaking head,and enhanced audio workflows to make it easier to create and add narrations.

Some users will not appreciate the move to Creative Cloud and the required subscription model, and there is no doubt that Adobe will lose some users to Apple’s Final Cut Pro. However, it makes it easier to collaborate on projects, updates are released instantly, and integration with other Adobe products is much better.

Still the industry standard video editing package

Adobe Premiere Pro is a powerful video creation tool that includes all the tools, functions, filters and effects you need for professional video editing and creation.

Live text templates.

Masking and tracking.

Master Clip effect.

Enhanced graphics performance on the Mercury Playback Engine.

Faster editing of text templates.

Masking and tracking.

Master Clip effect.

Enhanced graphics performance on the Mercury Playback Engine.

Faster editing workflow.

Votes 22 3
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Clouds 2020 DVD-R full complet télécharger torrent

13 Seeds 39 Peers

Clouds 2020

Clouds 2020 DVD-R full complet télécharger torrent

Telecharger ici

Good torrent

Le jeune musicien Zach Sobiech découvre que le cancer s’est propagé et il lui reste quelques mois à vivre. Avec un temps limité, il poursuit son rêve et crée un album, conscient que ce sera bientôt un phénomène musical viral.
Écrivains Justin Baldoni:
Kara Holden (scénario), Casey La Scala (histoire) Zach Sobiech, dix-sept ans, est un lycéen amusant au talent musical brut. Mais quelques semaines après la fin de l’année, peu de temps après lui avoir posé des questions sur son histoire d’amour à long terme, le monde de Zach s’est bouleversé quand il a appris que le cancer s’était propagé et lui a donné un durée de conservation de seulement six mois. Avec peu de temps, lui et son meilleur ami et partenaire d’écriture Sammy décident de poursuivre leurs rêves et enfin de créer un album. Peu savent-ils, cela deviendra bientôt un phénomène musical viral. Mais avec le temps, Zach fait face à la réalité que peu importe le temps qui passe, cela blessera les personnes qu’il aime le plus, compris Amy, l’amour de sa vie. Lorsque la santé de Zach commence à se détériorer, il doit prendre des décisions difficiles sur la façon de passer du temps et, surtout, avec qui. Finalement, il découvre que la meilleure façon de dire au revoir est avec la musique, et son tube CLOUDS est né. Avec des filtres, des larmes et du beau …

Votes 46 2
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Brawl Stars download free torrent

15 Seeds 50 Peers

Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars download free torrent

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Defeat your enemies in this MOBA GameBrawl Stars is a free 3v3 strategy game with Supercell that involves online opponents by shooting bombs, exploding and hitting them in many riot of speed players. Much like Supercells in other games like Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, Brawl Stars is a MOBA (Multiplayer Battlefield) game and has multiple game modes to make up for the lack of a single player campaign story. Even if you have a smartphone, you can play this name on your computer using the Android Tencent Gaming Buddy emulator.

The BrawlerBrawl Stars method features a wide variety of characters that can be played like other MOBA games. Here you play beautiful brawlers, each with a unique personality and ability that you can use to your advantage. However, not all of them are free, or you will have to work hard to unlock more or spend real money to select a shortcut. Brawl Stars also allows you to wear beautiful leathers to buy or buy, and they have great potential that can be used for a long time to fight the stupid skills that can unlock along the way. Aside from the different game models, the Brawl Stars always look fresh with the ones you can have on your team. (Function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); Contemporary Magic As with other MOBAs, you will feel a great investment in teaming up with guests or your own friends. However, in Brawl Stars the membership limit is only up to three, so you need to choose your brawlers carefully. You can also take on several challenging games alone or with a loyal partner, as there are other game modes that allow solo and duo games. The small number of players on the field compared to other MOBAs is one of the summaries of the Brawl Stars. Your battlefield is smaller than most, but very difficult, and you have to use a small field skillfully against your opponents. Never Get Tired There are more than 5 types of multiplayer games in Brawl Stars, and each offers a fun time for you and your friends. Grab the famous gem that you are hunting with an enemy team of 3 players to collect and keep 10 gems on the map for as long as possible. The show is about one and two players waging a royal battle on a map full of power-ups to empower your fighter. Bounty is the same as snapping a gem, but instead of gems you collect stars and can only get them by taking out your opponents. Heist, on the other hand, is some kind of basic defense system that needs to unlock your safe and keep your teams safe while they’re safe. You can even play soccer or football on the map with Brawl Ball. Brawl Stars has many special and short events like the Clobberin TimeFor Supercell game. The Brawl Stars are generally well made and very heavy in their comfort. It’s facing the same old challenges and games at the same time, and it’s not that bad compared to how well the Brawl Stars do for most of their players. Playing Tencent Gaming Buddy on your PC can cause connectivity issuesto solve. So it is recommended to try this game in the Super Cells column.

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Love and Monsters 2020 KAT free movie download torrent

37 Seeds 29 Peers

Love and Monsters 2020

Love and Monsters 2020 KAT free movie download torrent

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Good torrent

In a world infested with monsters, Joel (Dylan O’Brien) finds out that his lover is only 80 miles away. To embark on a dangerous journey, Joel finds that his inner warrior is with the girl of his dreams.
Author Michael Matthevs:
Brian Duffield (script), Matthew Robinson (script) Seven years after the Monster Pocalypse, Joel Dawson (Dylan O’Brien) and the rest of mankind have lived underground since giants ruled the earth. After communicating on the radio with his girlfriend Aimee (Jessica Henwick), who is now 80 miles from the coastal colony, Joel begins to fall in love with her again. Although Joel realizes that there is nothing left for him underground, he decides to fight Aimee, even though there are dangerous monsters blocking him. Michael Rooker and Ariana Greenblatt also play a role in a fun and action-packed adventure.

Genre: adventure, science fiction, romance, comedy
Directed by Michael Matthews
Stars: Dylan O’Brien, Jessica Henvick, Dan Eving, Michael Rooker, Ariana Greenblatt
Plot: Seven years after the Monster Pocalypse, Joel Dawson, along with the rest of mankind, has been living underground since giants ruled the earth. After reconnecting over the radio with his high school girlfriend, Aimee, who is now 80 miles from the coastal colony, Joel began to fall in love with her again. While Joel realizes that he has nothing left underground, he decides for logic to brave Amy, despite all the dangerous monsters blocking her.
Container = Sailor (avi)
Length = 01:48
File size = 2 GiB
– Video
Information codec = AVC | V_MPEG4 / ISO / AVC
Resolution = 720×302
Show AR = | : 1
Bit rate = 1600 kbps
Number of frames = CFR color space = IUV
Chrome Undersampling = 4: 2: 0
Encoding = k264 – core 142 r2479 dd79a61
– Sounds
Code information = AC-3 | A_AC3
Channel = 6
Bit rate = CBR 384 kbps
Sampling = kHz
Language = English

Votes 43 2
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Zoom Meetings download

36 Seeds 28 Peers

Zoom Meetings

Zoom Meetings download

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Good torrent

Free VoIP and IM Applications Zoom is a social and communication application that provides video calls and instant messaging to large groups of people. The IM and VoIP software was developed by Zoom Video Communications for students, business associates and entrepreneurs to hold video conferencing. Each conference can accommodate more than 50 users, 49 of whom are with you at the same time. Is Zoom a VoIP? Zoom has a simple interface that all users can understand. Whether you want to meet colleagues or connect with loved ones, with Zoom you can hear and see them in their high quality VoIP service. The Zoom computer application opens with the user panel and gives access to five tabs: Home, Chat, Phone, Meetings and (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); By default, the user panel displays the Home tab. This is because it contains the most important features for video conferencing, namely: New Meeting, Delta, Schedule and Screen Sharing. You can host meetings with both the new meeting and the Schedule button. All your scheduled meetings are listed on the Meetings tab. After entering a meeting, a new window will appear. The meeting controls are displayed at the bottom of the window, while video input from other callers is displayed at the top. The center of the window is dedicated to the user while Zoom discovers that he is talking or making the most noise. Does it help everyone in the group to focus on this Zoom call? Loud background noises can be muted by clicking the mute button in the meeting bar. These features differ from the features on the Phone tab. Instead of VoIP, Zoom Phone allows you to call another user using Zoom’s caller ID. It also allows you to leave voicemails and view the call history of your Zoom account. You can save the caller ID on the Contacts tab. It is arranged in alphabetical order by default. Tag them with an asterisk or auto-reply to access your most important contacts. Note that calls from a contact with an autoresponder are answered immediately by Zoom. You can use Zoom as an all-in-one office and productivity tool. In addition to the VoIP feature, you can also share your screen. You can also send files to people in your contact list. Although you can use the chat feature to send files to your colleagues, you can also present them through the screen sharing feature. For example, you have a main offer. You can open the presentation on the desktop and click on the screen share button. This allows the conversation participants to view the file while listening to you; VoIP tools for professional and personal use, although Zoom is aimed at businesses and professionals, it’s a great app to try out with friends and family if you’re the type to use video calling. It is a suitable application for all users who need to coordinate or connect a large number of users. With video conferencing and collaboration features, you can continue to develop a variety of group activities, such as class projects, webinars, and business meetings.

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Adobe Premiere Pro 32/64 Bit Download

30 Seeds 31 Peers

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro 32/64 Bit Download

Download here

Good torrent

Real-time video editing for professional video production Adobe is recognized worldwide for its impressive software tools, many of which have become industry standards in various fields, and Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the leading products. Along with Final Cut Pro, Premiere is one of the best video editing packages on the market. Note that Adobe Premiere is now part of Creative Cloud (CC), which means it’s only available with a monthly subscription, not a one-time license.

Very professional video package

Adobe Premiere provides professional creators and producers with all the tools they need for their day-to-day work. The new version supports an interface structure similar to the previous one, minimizing the learning curve, redesigned timeline, improved media management, more search capabilities, multi-project workflows and simplified color (function () {(‘review-app-page – desktop’);} );

A big change is the integration of Creative Cloud. It not only gives you new features when they become available, but also provides other benefits such as free access to Adobe Stock, a property gallery.

Sync projects on any computer

Collaborating on projects is now much easier with sync settings that save your settings, workspaces (which can now be customized for specific tasks), and even keyboard shortcuts on multiple computers. Creative Cloud is also integrated with Behance, so you can share your projects and get instant feedback from other designers and editors around the world.

Not only does Creative Cloud sync between computers, you can now use other devices with the Premiere Clip mobile app. You can use it to record to your phone or tablet and then instantly sync with the project timeline.

Format flexibly, support Blu-Ray, Final Cut and more

Adobe Premiere Pro is now fully compatible with other toolsAdobe, including SWF format and even Final Cut Pro files. This is thanks to the Adobe Mercury Playback Engine, which means you can work with a huge number of video formats compared to most video editors. One of the many other powerful features of Adobe Premiere is the ability to export to Blu-Ray and even filmless camcorders. Recently, Adobe has also added live text templates, masking and tracking, a Master Clip effect, and faster editing.

Complex for beginners, but a big help

Design professionals familiar with other Adobe products will find Adobe Premiere Pro intuitive and easy to use. However, beginners may be overwhelmed by the complexity of this program, although Adobe provides very detailed documentation and lots of practical videos to get acquainted with the basic functionality.

Continuous improvements since launch show how the ease of use of Adobe Premiere Pro continues to grow. These include Morph Cut, which uses face recognition technology to seamlessly connect the parts of the talking head, and an enhanced sound stream that facilitates and adds voices.

Some users will switch to Creative Cloud and the subscription model it offers is thankful, and Adobe will no doubt lose some users thanks to Apple’s Final Cut Pro. However, this makes it easier to collaborate on projects, updates are released immediately, and integration with other Adobe products is greatly improved.

This is still the standard video in suite editing

Adobe Premiere Pro is a state-of-the-art video creation tool that includes all the tools, features, filters, and effects needed for professional video publishing and creation.

Live text templates.

Mask and track.

Master clip effect.

Improved graphics performance in Mercury.

Edit text templates faster.

Mask and track.

Master clip effect.

Improved graphics performance in the Mercury playback engine.

Faster workflow editing.

Votes 10 3
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Purble Place installer Download Torrent

27 Seeds 48 Peers

Purble Place

Purble Place installer Download Torrent

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Learning is fun! Purble Place is a collection of single player strategy games developed by Oberon Games. They make occasional games for computers and mobile devices. The three games that make up Purble Place are Comfi Cakes, Purble Shop and Purble Pairs. It was originally designed for teens to use their cognitive skills such as memory, eye-eye coordination, and problem solving. Although it is a child’s play, experienced users can still enjoy it, because the difficulty level is getting harder and harder than yours; Three-in-one Packble Places platform games are not dependent on each other, so you can choose the game you want to play. Purble Pairs is a pattern recognition game that aims to instantly clear the board. The number of networks increases to be a challenge for you, starting with the 5×5 network, then 6×6 and finally 8×8. It also adds more images while playing, as well as bonuses. To make it easier, you can use Sneak Peek coins to discover all that’s left; (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); Comfi Cakes is an eye coordination game. Here you are at the bakery where you have to collect cookies to fulfill your order. The cake consists of shape, taste, icing and other decorations. The cake can be as simple as a regular chocolate cake or a complex multi-layered and decorated cake. Sending a cake that does not fit in the correct order will be penalized. Once the wrong message is sent a third time, it’s a game; Purble Shop is a hidden math test like a code-breaking game. There will be five game features (hats, noses, mouths, glasses and clothing items) hidden by the player. You have to choose between different colors and then you have to decide which is the right feature with less movement. At the beginner level, there are three features with three possible colors. Three to three forces is twenty-seven. The likelihood of a combination increases as you move from intermediate to advanced levels; Challenging for all ages, Purble Place is a simple but difficult game that you can play or encourage young users to start using. The game package makes the experience more dynamic because each game differs from each other in terms of game mechanics. While the game is fun, keep in mind that it’s all for individual players;

Votes 49 5
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