Windows 10 Pro x64 v2004 tr-TR – ACTiVATED July 2020 Update Download Torrent

12 Seeds 30 Peers

Windows 10 Pro x64 v2004 tr-TR - ACTiVATED July 2020 Update

Windows 10 Pro x64 v2004 tr-TR – ACTiVATED July 2020 Update Download Torrent

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Good torrent

Always check the latest version of the Windows ISO file for #

Trkiye-Trke version for Windows

Windwos 10 Professional x64 / ACTIVATED

Windows version: 2004 / OS version: / Code name: 20H1

NOTE. This Windows and Office are fully enabled.

Read the “Installation” file in this torrent before installing.


————————————————– ——— ——————————

Update for July 2020

Security Intelligence Update for Microsoft Defender – KB2267602 (version)

Cumulative update 2020-07 for .NET Framework and Windows 10 version 2004 for x64 (KB4565627)

Cumulative Update 2020-07 for Windows 10 Version 2004 for x64-Based System Upgrades (KB4565503)

Security update 2020-06 for Adobe Flash Player for Windows 10 version 2004 for x64-based system upgrades (KB4561600)

Windows Malicius x64 Remover – (KB890830)

Microsoft Defender Antivirus Platform Update – KB4052623 (Version)

————————————————– ——— ——————————

Windows 10 Pro is designed for small and medium-sized businesses

organizations to manage their devices and applications, protect business data

facilitate remote and mobile scenarios and use the cloud

technology in their organization. In addition to small and medium-sized

Windows 10 Pro devices would be a good choice for organizations

support for CYOD programs.

Always check the latest version of the Windows ISO file for #

Espaa-Espaol, version for Windows

Windwos 10 Professional x64 / ACTIVATED

Olympic version: 1909 / Olympic building:

Code name: 19H2

This ISO file can be downloaded to UEFI or Legacy Boot

NOTE. This Windows is fully enabled.

Please read the “Installation” file in this torrent before installing.


————————————————– ——————————

Update for April 2020

– Security Update for Windows Defender Antivirus – KB2267602 (Version)

– 2020-04 Cumulative service pack for Windows 10 version 1909 for x64-based system (KB4549951)

– x64 Malware Remover for Windows – April 2020 (KB890830)

– Cumulative Update 2020-04 for .NET Framework and Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64 (KB4541335)

cumulative update 2020-03 for .NET Framework and Windows 10 version 1909 for x64 (KB4537572)

– Security Update 2020-03 for Adobe Flash Player for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-Based Systems (KB4537759)

– Windows Defender Antivirus Update – KB4052623 (version)

————————————————– ——————————

Windows 10 Pro is designed for small and medium-sized businesses

organizations to manage their devices and applications, protect business data

facilitate remote and mobile scenarios and use the cloud

technology in their organization. In addition to small and medium-sized

Windows 10 Pro devices would be a good choice for organizations

support for CYOD programs.

Votes 28 2
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  1. Windows 10 Pro x64 v2004 tr-TR – ACTiVATED July 2020 Update Torrent
  2. Windows 10 Pro x64 v2004 tr-TR – ACTiVATED July 2020 Update torrent download
  3. Windows 10 Pro x64 v2004 tr-TR – ACTiVATED July 2020 Update Download Torrent


Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise x64 Clean ISO Torrent Télécharger

13 Seeds 43 Peers

Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise x64 Clean ISO

Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise x64 Clean ISO Torrent Télécharger

Telecharger ici

Good torrent

Microsoft Windows 10 Entreprise x64 Clean ISO

Windows 10 Entreprise est basé sur Windows 10 Professionnel et ajoute des fonctionnalités de première classe
conçu pour répondre aux besoins des grandes et moyennes organisations
(y compris les grandes institutions universitaires) comme défense avancée
contre les menaces de sécurité modernes, une flexibilité totale dans la distribution des Jeux Olympiques
options de mise à jour et de support; ainsi qu’une unité complète et
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Nom de fichier: Langue: anglais
SHA1: 30AD1CDF5D0670F12788005131E24862F6AB8AAB

REMARQUE. C’est de l’ISO pur sans modification. Torrent n’a pas d’activateur. Vous pouvez télécharger l’activateur ici

Votes 28 1
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  3. Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise x64 Clean ISO Torrent Télécharger


Windows 10 Pro x64 v2004 tr-TR – ACTiVATED July 2020 Update Download Torrent

21 Seeds 50 Peers

Windows 10 Pro x64 v2004 tr-TR - ACTiVATED July 2020 Update

Windows 10 Pro x64 v2004 tr-TR – ACTiVATED July 2020 Update Download Torrent

Download here

Good torrent

Check the latest version of Windows ISO file #

Windows Trkiye-Trke version

Windows 10 Professional x64 / OPERATIONAL

Windows version: 2004 / operating system level: / code name: 20H1

NOTE. This Windows and Office is fully activated.

Please read the “Install” file in this torrent before installing.


——————————————— —– ————————

Update July 2020

Microsoft Defender Antivirus Security Cross Update – KB2267602 (Version)

Update for .NET Framework and x64 for Windows 10 Version 2004-07 (KB4565627)

Cumulative Update for Windows 10 for x64 2020-07-based Systems 2020 (KB4565503)

2020 Security Update for Adobe Flash Player 2004 for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems (KB4561600)

Malicius Windows Removal Tool for x64 – (KB890830)

Microsoft Defender Antivirus Platform Update – KB4052623 (Version)

——————————————— —– ————————

Windows 10 Pro is designed for SMBs

Companies can control their devices and applications and protect their business data

Facilitate remote and mobile device scenarios and leverage the cloud

to organizations. As well as small and medium

For businesses, Windows 10 Pro devices are a great choice for businesses

Support for CYOD programs.

Check the latest version of Windows ISO file #

Espa-Espaol version of Windows

Windows 10 Professional x64 / OPERATIONAL

Operating system version: 1909 / Operating system class:

Code name: 19H2

This ISO file can be run for UEFI or Legacy Boot

NOTE. This window is fully activated.

Please read the “Install” file in this torrent before installing.


——————————————— —– ————————

Update April 2020

– Update for Windows Defender Anti-Virus Security Information – KB2267602 (Version)

– Cumulative update for the 1909 system based on x64 for 2020-04 (KB4549951)

– Windows x64 Malicious Software Removal Tool – April 2020 (KB890830)

– Cumulative update for .64 Framework and Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64 (KB4541335)

– Cumulative update for .NET Framework and Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64 (KB4537572)

– Security Update 2020-03 for Adobe Flash Player for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4537759)

– Update for Windows Defender Anti-Virus software – KB4052623 (version)

——————————————— —– ————————

Windows 10 Pro is designed for SMBs

Companies can control their devices and applications and protect their business data

Facilitate remote and mobile device scenarios and leverage the cloud

to organizations. As well as small and medium

For businesses, Windows 10 Pro devices are a great choice for businesses

Support for CYOD programs.

Votes 43 5
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  1. Windows 10 Pro x64 v2004 tr-TR – ACTiVATED July 2020 Update Torrent Download
  2. Windows 10 Pro x64 v2004 tr-TR – ACTiVATED July 2020 Update download torrent
  3. Windows 10 Pro x64 v2004 tr-TR – ACTiVATED July 2020 Update torrent


Hocus Pocus 1993 hd Torrent Download

12 Seeds 40 Peers

Hocus Pocus 1993

Hocus Pocus 1993 hd Torrent Download

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Good torrent

A curious young man moves to Salem, where he struggles to adjust before waking up with a trio of evil witches who were sentenced to death in the 17th century.
Author Kenny Ortega:
David Kirschner (story), Mick Garris (story) | 300 years have passed since Sanderson’s sister was sentenced to death for practicing black magic. Reviving thanks to a clear combination of charm before they disappear and Max’s unintentional actions, new to the city, the sisters only have one night to ensure their survival.

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Windows 10 Pro X64 19H1 incl Office 2019 en-US JULY 2019 {Gen2} Torrent

36 Seeds 35 Peers

Windows 10 Pro X64 19H1 incl Office 2019 en-US JULY 2019 {Gen2}

Windows 10 Pro X64 19H1 incl Office 2019 en-US JULY 2019 {Gen2} Torrent

Download hier

Good torrent

* Windows 10 Pro X86 19H1 de-US JULI 2019

* Version 1903 Build

* Office 2019 Pro integriert

* Datei:

* Größe: 4,65 GB

* Format: Anfängliche ISO

* CRC32: 49057cdd

* MD5: 626537d7afa535d61ecf363e9fb21286

* SHA-1: 3898d7f087eb7e7b5fd2261839154b71ea5e87c0


Integriert / vorinstalliert:

* Office 2019 ProPlus VL 64bit

* Service Stack Update:

* KB4508433

* Kumulatives Update:

* KB4505903

Kumulatives Update für

*. NET Framework und:

* KB4506991

* Flash Player-Sicherheitsupdate:

* KB4503308

SetupComplete / Post Installation:

*. NET Framework

* Protector-Updates


* Windows 10 Pro einschließlich Office 2019

* Aktivatoren: Digitale Lizenz + KMS online

* UEFI-Remake

* (Verwenden Sie das mit Rufus USB verbundene Tool, um UEFI bootfähig zu machen.)

* Diagnose- und Wiederherstellungstools (Microsoft DaRT)

* auf Wiederherstellungsformat komprimiert ()

* Erstellen Sie mit Rufus einen bootfähigen USB-Stick (sehr zu empfehlen).

* (verbunden) oder mit niedriger Geschwindigkeit auf DVD-DL brennen.

* WindowsAddict, Autor des Windows-Aktivierungsskripts

* Hoffe dir gefällt diese Ausgabe!

* Schöne Grüße,

* Generation2

* Windows 10 X64 Pro VL einschließlich Office 2019 ProPlus ab FR JUNI 2020

* Version 2004 Build

* Datei:

* Größe: 4,83 GB

* Format: Anfängliche ISO

* CRC32: 1bc9d559

* MD5: 58af72df897bc5563d6b499614f2a295

* SHA-1: 174f406123325ad8ebef2e8b977f4221aae8ae33

Integriert / vorinstalliert:

* Office 2019 ProPlus VL

* Service Stack Update:

* KB4560366

* Kumulatives Update:

* KB4557957

* NET-Framework

Kumulatives Update für

* NET Framework und:

* KB4552925

* Flash Player-Sicherheitsupdate:

* KB4561600

SetupComplete / Post Installation:

* Protector-Updates


* Windows 10 Pro

* Office 2019 ProPlus

* Aktivatoren: HWID und KMS Online

* UEFI-Remake

* (Verwenden Sie das mit Rufus USB verbundene Tool, um UEFI bootfähig zu machen.)

* Diagnose- und Wiederherstellungstools (Microsoft DaRT)

* auf Wiederherstellungsformat komprimiert ()

* Erstellen Sie mit Rufus einen bootfähigen USB-Stick (sehr zu empfehlen).

* (beigefügt) oder mit niedriger Geschwindigkeit auf DVD-DL brennen.

* WindowsAddict, Autor des Windows-Aktivierungsskripts

* Hoffe dir gefällt diese Ausgabe!

* Schöne Grüße,

* Generation2

Votes 14 4
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  1. Windows 10 Pro X64 19H1 incl Office 2019 en-US JULY 2019 {Gen2} download
  2. Windows 10 Pro X64 19H1 incl Office 2019 en-US JULY 2019 {Gen2} torrent
  3. Windows 10 Pro X64 19H1 incl Office 2019 en-US JULY 2019 {Gen2} Torrent Download


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